This card is really a good help, specially if you always buy medicines and small grocery items from their service area. For as low as Php 200.00 worth of purhases, you get 1 point. For every 10 points that you get, you can redeem it for a Php 10.00 discount on your next purchase. You just need to inform the cashier that you want to redeem you points.
How to claim your free Suki Card?
1.) If you are 18 years old and above, you just need to present a single/cumulative purchases worth Php 1000.00 in any participating Mercury Drug Stores. Receipts must be dated August 1, 2000 and onwards.
2.) Benefits of members will be discounts on participating products and all purchases made through the card will earn points. Every accumulated purchases worth P200.00 is equivalent to 1 point.
What if you lost the card? What to do next?
Damaged and lost card can be replaced and earned points from lost or damaged Suki Card can be transferred from lost Suki Cards based on the following conditions:
Customer fill-up Lost Card Form
Presentation of any valid I.D. (original and copy)
Payment of P50.00 replacement fee
Customer will fill-up a new application form
Only unredeemed points or purchases will be transferred to new Suki Card
Purchases made when the Suki Card was reported lost or being "fixed" at the Head Office will not be encoded to the new card.
Customer is willing to have his newly issued card sent to the Head Office.
Need more Information? Click on this link
Update as of January 12, 2010:
Mercury Drug also gives away coupon calendars usually before end of the year. Last December, I was able to get one. For those of you who don't have it, click on this link to get a copy of the discount coupons. Print the coupons and present it in participating stores to avail of discounts
Click here for the Mercury Drug Discount Coupons
I got my own suki card too from years ago. The good thing about Mercury Drug's suki card is there's no renewal fee (unlike with SM's Advantage Card which they will charge you for a yearly renewal - cash or trade your points).
ReplyDelete- nvtellan